A partir de una alianza con Asociación Conciencia, Chau Mosquito acompañó el trabajo de prevención del dengue en esta provincia, durante la epidemia de 2023.
A partir de una alianza con Asociación Conciencia, Chau Mosquito acompañó el trabajo de prevención del dengue en esta provincia, durante la epidemia de 2023.
October 26, 2023
During the pandemic, Chau Mosquito Campaign was present in the province of Tucumán with distance training, based on the coordination generated with the Tucumán Conscience Association. Based on this alliance, Chau Mosquito accompanied the dengue prevention work in this province, during the 2023 epidemic, in which it was its epicenter with more than 20,000 cases.
Work was done in different areas: with members of government areas, with schools of different levels: with members of early childhood and early development centers up to secondary schools, with multipliers and community references. The work modalities were both remote and in-person, promoting good practice actions in different locations and generating great participation from the educational community in the "Good Practices for Schools Contest". The winning schools were awarded with the presence of government authorities. Donations of repellent products were also delivered with the support of SC Johnson.
Recently, in September 2023, Chau Mosquito team arrived in person in Tucumán after this year's epidemic in which more than 20,000 cases were recorded in this province. The training was organized again through the Conciencia Association of San Miguel de Tucumán. Through its reference Silvana García, worked was developed together with different areas of the municipalities of Yerba Buena, San Miguel de Tucumán and Famaillá. Each locality in turn convened its own work teams with community work profiles.
The last in-person trainings were held on September 13 in Yerbabuena, with 40 participants, on September 14 in San Miguel de Tucumán, with 63 attendees, and finally on September 15 in Famaillá, with the presence of 76 attendees. Members of foundations, schools, university professors, doctors, CONICET researchers, neighborhood centers and municipal personnel from different areas participated there (Tourism, Social Development, Health, Sports, Cemeteries, Vectors Control, Communication, Environmental Sanitation, Civil Defense), among others.
In addition, Chau Mosquito trainers participated in a television interview on the local América Tucumán channel, and joined an initiative of the local City Hall Citizen Participation Secretary called “Plazas por la Infancia”, with a campaign stand.
Chau Mosquito