La vacuna, ya aprobada por Anmat, podrá ser aplicada en Argentina a partir del mes de noviembre.

La vacuna, ya aprobada por Anmat, podrá ser aplicada en Argentina a partir del mes de noviembre.
November 03, 2023
The new vaccine developed by Takeda laboratory and approved by ANMAT at the end of April, is designed to prevent dengue caused by any of the 4 existing serotypes. The complete schedule includes two doses that must be given separately by a minimum interval of 3 months.
According to the Health National Ministry, this vaccine is based on dengue 2 virus, to which DNA from the other three serotypes is added to protect against any of the four types of dengue. It is contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating women and immunosuppressed individuals.
During the 4.5 year period of follow-up in study, the Japanese vaccine prevented 84 percent cases of dengue hospitalization and 61 percent cases of symptomatic dengue among population, including both individuals who had had a previous infection like those who had not suffered the disease and without serious adverse effects.
The formula will be applied to people from 4 years on in pharmacies and private vaccination centers, with a medical prescription. Currently, negotiations are being held with the different prepaid health insurance companies to determine the possibility of offering discounts to their members, which can range from 40% to 60%.
Recently this vaccine was given in Tucumán, one of the provinces hardest hit by dengue cases this year. During the first week of November, several families attended a private vaccination center in this province to receive the vaccine TAK-003 and others are on the waiting list to receive the vaccine.
SOURCE: Page 12, The Tucuman Gazette-
Chau Mosquito