The CHAU MOSQUITO JÓVENES program is a component of the CHAU MOSQUITO CAMPAIGN. It is coordinated by Edupas organization in coordination with civil society organizations and government agencies. It has the support of the SC Johnson company.
The program trains and accompanies young people between 18 and 22 years old to promote actions to prevent diseases transmitted by mosquito Aedes aegypty, particularly dengue, in their communities.

The objectives of CHAU MOSQUITO JÓVENES are:

Raise awareness about Aedes aegypty mosquito-borne diseases: dengue, zika, chikungunya and yellow fever.

Promote prevention strategies and actions carried out by young people in their localities.
The CHAU MOSQUITO JÓVENES program lasts three months and is organized in 4 stages.

In the first stage of the process, weekly or biweekly meetings are held in which information about the Aedes aegypti mosquito, its characteristics, its way of reproduction and the diseases it transmits is provided.

To complement the face-to-face meetings, a WhatsApp group is formed with the young people who participate in which support materials and proposals for activities are shared for them to carry out in their neighborhoods and towns.
The program proposes participatory dynamics and methodologies, games and teaching resources.

In this second stage, we work with young people on the importance of their role as leaders and multiplying agents.

The team of facilitators meets periodically with the young people to plan the actions they will carry out in their communities. Each group is closely accompanied by a member of the program.


In this stage, previously planned prevention actions are carried out: talks, workshops, artistic interventions, murals, songs, training, digital actions and other communication and prevention strategies. The different stages of the process are also documented to share and put them in common.

To carry out the previously designed actions, the campaign provides young people with various materials and resources to be used in prevention activities: magazines, brochures, posters, flipcharts, backpacks, T-shirts, caps and different group games.

Once the program is over, the young people share their experiences and learnings. Certificates are also given for having participated in the campaign and the organizations that bring them together are invited to share the proposals they carried out in their communities.